Thursday, August 13, 2009

Today is a good day for health!

This is a cool site that I found that helps people track calories and weight goals ;) My current IBM is 28.97

A Body Mass Index (BMI) between 25 and 30 is considered overweight.
The healthy weight range for my height is between
lbs and
lbs. My weight is 25.4 lbs above the healthy range :(

Sucks.. I know.... but I am planning to get better and eat healthier:)

I really like this site and I will be using it and putting my updates here :) I have included recent pictures of myself so that you can see that I already stared a healthier lifestyle and lost weight. However, I have platoed in losing weight, I have already lost 26 lbs and am finding it hard to lose the rest of my desired weight.

Hopefully, this site will help me monitor my calories.

This picture is me at my heaviest weight, 211 lbs.

This was taken in April of 2009

This picture was taken August of 2009.
Here I have lost 26 pounds from April and weigh 185 lbs :)

Its a tough road but I am pleased w/ my current results ;)

Wish me the best on my journey to a healthier lifestyle :D

~Messy J

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Who Am I?

Last night I was talking with my husband about who we were to each other. He came up with a great and fun idea to describe things that we do but do not notice that we do them. For instance, he told me that I change my mind on the outfits that I will wear before we go out and he noted that I usually chose the 3rd outfit. Therefore, a part of me is indecisive when it comes to my choice clothing and my appearance. In other words, I care that much to go through the motions of changing instead of being content with what I had on first. Who we are is combined with our POV (point of view), the POV from those closest to us and POV of our enemies.

I can tell you that I am just a normal woman, in my opinion. I can let you know that I am an introvert, complicated, etc. However, does that truly define me? No! You might think that I am talented or a charming woman or even manipulative, but you have defined me in your opinion and there is truth to it because your interpretation is of who you know me as. Your point of view of me is just as valid as mine and, therefore, we are defined by our relationships. We are defined by other’s points of views because they can highlight other aspects and qualities that you or I have that we cannot see.

There is a popular saying, “show me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.” This is true, we are defined in pieces and they are valid interpretations of who we are because we cannot be defined by our own perceptions.

Not sure if this makes sense but it is just a thought in my head

Happy Blogging :)

Be Blessed,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Life... It kinda matters!

Our lives are precious and should not be squandered away on
irrelevant things. One can ask, “What is irrelevant?” I guess everyone is wired
differently but if you could just take the time to say a simple hello to
someone outside your usual circle, you could be changing a mind set or
situation in a major way. Instead of being judgmental, love and love unconditionally.
It’s ok to give constructive criticism,
but know that some people are sensitive; so do it in a kind and loving way! When
you drive, drive with caution, getting mad at the person who cut you off only
sheds years of your life, causing harmful stress. When you are on the phone
with a friend or relative and you are annoyed that they are talking a lot, be
happy that they are on the phone with you. Some people have to talk to those
they have loved and lost through a prayer or graveside and wish they were
having a long relaxed conservation with them. Try not to eat fast food all the time;
it really is bad for you. Take time to mediate and relax because it’s ok to be
off the Internet or to put down the phone to clear your mind. ITS ‘S OK TO MAKE
MISTAKES!!!! Mistake helps you to become a stronger person. You can teach
others from your past wrong doings. Also, do not pay attention to those that
judge your mistakes, they do not understand what they do when they judge a
person and attack their character.

Life is too short! While it is hard to walk a path that is righteous
and pleasing to all, try to make better discussions because tomorrow is not
promised to us. So just THINK about your next steps wisely and try… try… try…
to take care of your only and precious life!

Friday, April 17, 2009

My First Blog

Hi... i am not sure how to add people... so add me if you are reading this. I was bored at work and was reading my sisters blog and decided to create an account.

This room is the "idea room", where I will share my thoughts and very random ideas. From time to time I might get a little religious but its all good advice or guidelines to follow or hear. Nothing is new under the sun.

I have a hamster and her name is Dalila. Now that she is in my life, I feel complete! I hope you know that I am kidding... but I am not kidding at all. I know, i make no sense. I say, "if it don't make dollars... it don't make sense!"

Rudy is my hubby... he's a pretty cool guy and I learn a lot from him. Sometimes I'll ask him a very SIMPLE question and he explodes my brain w/ more info then I needed. Its ok, my little tiny brain might run on overdrive but I am sure something was retained ;)

Well... thats all I can think about.

Idea for the today -- there should be a huge bridge or highway that connects from NC to Cali. Why hasn't this happen?