Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Life... It kinda matters!

Our lives are precious and should not be squandered away on
irrelevant things. One can ask, “What is irrelevant?” I guess everyone is wired
differently but if you could just take the time to say a simple hello to
someone outside your usual circle, you could be changing a mind set or
situation in a major way. Instead of being judgmental, love and love unconditionally.
It’s ok to give constructive criticism,
but know that some people are sensitive; so do it in a kind and loving way! When
you drive, drive with caution, getting mad at the person who cut you off only
sheds years of your life, causing harmful stress. When you are on the phone
with a friend or relative and you are annoyed that they are talking a lot, be
happy that they are on the phone with you. Some people have to talk to those
they have loved and lost through a prayer or graveside and wish they were
having a long relaxed conservation with them. Try not to eat fast food all the time;
it really is bad for you. Take time to mediate and relax because it’s ok to be
off the Internet or to put down the phone to clear your mind. ITS ‘S OK TO MAKE
MISTAKES!!!! Mistake helps you to become a stronger person. You can teach
others from your past wrong doings. Also, do not pay attention to those that
judge your mistakes, they do not understand what they do when they judge a
person and attack their character.

Life is too short! While it is hard to walk a path that is righteous
and pleasing to all, try to make better discussions because tomorrow is not
promised to us. So just THINK about your next steps wisely and try… try… try…
to take care of your only and precious life!


  1. Ummm.... so did some of this stuff come up becuase of my trip to NC? Just asking... ya know. That's for the kin wisdom and friendly reminders. I so should meditate more... it's definitely relaxes the mind!!

  2. LOL... nah its not cuz of the trip lol. I have been working on this for a while. Actually its on my facebook and Myspace and I just copied it on to here ;)

    I actually need to do these things. I was at my desk just thinking about life and how much I need to work on things and wala this came out ;)

  3. LOL now that I re-read this, I can see how you can think it was cuz of the trip lol Sorry for the mis understanding ;) Love ya
